3.9 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles San Francisco Bay Area


Bay area earth Quake: According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a magnitude 3,9 earthquake struck the San Francisco Bay Area on Monday night. According to the geological survey, the Earthquake’s epicenter was located at San Lorenzo in eastern Bay in Alameda County, 13 km south of Oakland. The earthquake took place at 18:29.

bay area earth quake 3.9 magnitude

The earthquake was first rated 4.2 but later reduced to 4.0 and then 3.9. Ashland near San Lorenzo, the first epicenter, was recorded, but subsequently, the geological study changed that.

South of San Francisco — across the San Lorenzo bay — the communities experienced a quake.

The earthquake center on Monday 13 miles south of Oakland, near San Lorenzo, an eastern Bay town in Alameda County. According to a preliminary assessment from USGS, the earthquake was approximately two miles north of San Lorez, west of the Castro Valley, and southeast of San Leandro.

Many folks said they felt slightly shaky from Half Moon Bay to Clayton. As the earthquake struck some of the nerves, the customers at this restaurant were talking about it. Fortunately, no damage has been recorded.

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