VP Harris’ Flight Delayed After Possible ‘Havana Syndrome’ Incident In Hanoi


VP Harris’ Flight Delayed After Possible ‘Havana Syndrome’ Incident In Hanoi. The US embassy in Hanoi, Vietnam, told Vice President Kamala Harris’ office of a “report of a recent possible anomalous health occurrence,” which caused her departure to be delayed by several hours Tuesday afternoon.

The administration uses this name to describe the mysterious Havana sickness, which has affected hundreds of US officials in recent years.

“Earlier this evening, the Vice President’s traveling group was unable to leave Singapore due to information received from the Vice President’s office about a suspected anomalous health situation in Hanoi, Vietnam.

In a statement, Rachael Chen, spokesperson for the US embassy in Hanoi, stated, “After careful consideration, the decision was made to continue with the Vice President’s travel.”

Harris’ main spokesperson, Symone Sanders, told traveling media aboard Air Force Two that Harris is “doing well, everything is fine, and looking forward to meetings in Hanoi tomorrow.” According to a pool report, she later said of the delay, “This has nothing to do with the vice president’s health.”

After a three-hour delay, Harris finally took off from Singapore’s Paya Lebar Air Base at 7:32 p.m. local time.

VP Harris' Flight Delayed After Possible 'Havana Syndrome' Incident In Hanoi

White House press secretary Jen Psaki attempted to reassure reporters about the vice president’s safety in Vietnam during a news briefing Tuesday afternoon, saying Harris “wouldn’t travel farther to a country if she wasn’t secure in her security on the ground.”

Psaki said no more evaluations had been done when asked if Harris or her staff were the focus of a future attack. She also refused to go into any other security specifics, such as how the administration plans to keep the vice president safe.

“At this time, there is no proof that this is the case. We treat any reported event, especially one that occurred recently and was made public, very seriously. As a result, the vice president’s safety was assessed, and it was decided that she may continue to travel with her more “Psaki evaluated be

Psaki en doing asked those impacted was not on Harris’s trip, but she declined to reveal how many people became ill. Because Harris was not on the ground at the time the incident was recorded, she was not medically checked.

The intelligence community has yet to come up with an official explanation for Havana syndrome, a confusing mix of sensory experiences and physical symptoms that have affected hundreds of US diplomats, spies, and military around the world, forcing some to retire.

In Vietnam, no cases of Havana syndrome have been reported, according to CNN.

Havana syndrome instances first appeared in Cuba in late 2016, and a Senate committee reported earlier this year that the number of probable cases was on the rise.

Havana syndrome victims have described a wide range of symptoms and physical sensations, including rapid vertigo, nausea, headaches, and head pressure, as well as a “piercing directional noise” in some cases. TBI has been diagnosed in some people, and they continue to have painful headaches and other health problems years afterward.

Federal investigators in the United States have battled to figure out what or who is generating the strange symptoms. Cases have been documented in Russia, China, and other nations worldwide. Last month, Austrian authorities announced that they were looking into accusations that US diplomats in Vienna were suffering from Havana syndrome symptoms.CNN reported earlier this year on two separate incidents involving National Security Council personnel that occurred near the White House late last year.

In May, two defense sources said the Pentagon was working on a statement to send to the whole US military and civilian employees, urging them to report any “abnormal health symptoms” that could indicate they’ve been victims of Havana syndrome.

Frustration is building among State Department rank-and-file employees and diplomats, according to CNN, at what many individuals claim has been a lukewarm response by department leadership, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The claimed event occurs during Vice President Harris’ visit to Singapore and Vietnam when he is attempting to persuade Southeast Asian governments that the US is serious about its long-term commitment to the region.

The trip’s primary goal, according to White House officials, is to strengthen partnerships with regional allies. She is anticipated to focus on regional security challenges, including supply chain issues such as global chip production, climate change, and the Covid-19 epidemic, amid concerns over China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea.

It’s her second journey as vice president to another country. Harris traveled to Central America earlier this year, a trip that was marred by travel complications, as she had to change planes moments before leaving for Guatemala owing to a technical glitch.

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