MacKenzie Scott Is Giving Away Another $2.7 Billion To 286 Organizations


“In this endeavour, we are guided by the humble notion that it would be better if disproportionate wealth were not consolidated in the hands of a small number of people, and that solutions are best devised and executed by others,” Scott wrote. “Though we always have a lot more to learn on how to act on such ideas without contradicting and undermining them, we can start by admitting that individuals trying to create power from within communities are change agents. Their service helps and empowers people who then help and develop others.”

Scott claims that she and her group spent the first quarter of 2021 locating and analysing equity-oriented nonprofit groups operating in underserved and neglected communities.

The winners range from institutions of higher education and arts and cultural groups to groups combating poverty, focusing on interfaith problems, and increasing community involvement.

The gifts, like the $4 billion Scott donated to 384 groups in the final four months of 2020, are unconstrained, meaning recipients can spend the money anyway they see appropriate. “Many noted that this trust boosted the effect of the donation substantially,” Scott said.

Scott touted the new funds as a way to accomplish greater good work with much less financial hardship, calling the gifts to specific groups “quite significant.”

“These are people who spent years effectively promoting humanitarian goals, often without any idea if they will have money in their bank account in two months. What do we believe they’ll do now that they’ve got more money than they expected? Purchase any necessary materials. Find fresh and inventive methods to assist. Hire a few more team members who will be paid for the next five years. Purchase seats for them. Put an end to having to work every weekend. Get some rest, “Scott proposed.

This is an unconventional approach to philanthropy.

Scott’s approach to giving is unique in several ways. There doesn’t seems to be a webpage for her. There is no obvious procedure for groups to apply for donations. Scott prefers to simply announce the charities she has picked for her next multibillion-dollar donation through blog post.

Scott’s article names all of the beneficiaries but does not specify how much money they have received. Some groups, however, have stated how much money they would receive.

The president of the University of Central Florida announced a $40 million contribution, the biggest in the university’s history. “Their contribution allows us to expand our influence for future generations of kids and motivates everyone else to invest in America’s future,” he added.

The same sum is being given to Florida International University.

The University of Texas in San Antonio will also get $40 million, a sum described by its chancellor as “absolutely transformative.” Scott and Jewett were “attracted to UTSA because of the institution’s strong dedication to creating routes to outcomes . students from neighbourhoods with considerable academic achievement and socioeconomic inequalities,” according to the institution, as well as its dedication to assisting Latino students.

Long Beach City College in California praised Scott for $30 million, the single greatest contribution in the school’s history.

Chuck Collins, head of the Department for Policy Studies’ Program on Inequality and the Common Good, stated at the time of Scott’s latest round of gifts which she was “putting to shame the other 650 U.S. billionaires who haven’t [figured] out equivalent methods to courageously contribute.”

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