Myanmar’s military coup has committed numerous atrocities against the population that are considered crimes against humanity. This has been happening for six months since February 1, 2021. Myanmar army is also known as sit sat in the region. These atrocities are not new. Myanmar has witnessed a notorious history of committing atrocities against the people, of different oppression. It has become on the verge of being known as a fascist state by its opponents.
Freedom of Expression
Authorities in Myanmar are paying heed to these atrocities happening in this country. It should be kept in mind that broad and vaguely worded laws about arresting, detaining, and prosecuting human rights defenders, activists, and journalists will not be enough to stop these atrocities. The government ordered a ban on certain websites that include DMG and Narinjara News. These two are the only two sources of exposing atrocities happening in the ethenic Rakhine media outlets. The government of Myanmar made a point that they are the sources of spreading fake news and are a threat to national security. Freedom of expression is one of the basic rights of human beings. No one has any right to sabotage these rights.

Escalating Conflict in Ethnic Areas
The conflict between the ethinic Arkan army and the Myanmar military caused many civilians to suffer in the Rakhine and Chin states. About 5000 civilians were killed during the conflict between these two armed forces. The number of inhabitants who were displaced is 81, 637 from the region of conflict in Myanmar. Enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings have become common there. Along with this almost 200 villages faced food shortages in the chin state.

Unlawful Internet Shutdowns
Internet shutdowns made the situation much worse. The Myanmar military announced that they are in no mood to lift these restrictions. It is important to remove these restrictions for better public communication amid the pandemic. Mobile internet was shut down in Myanmar on June 21, 2019, by government order. This internet was restricted in eight states.

Labor rights Violation
Human rights violations in Myanmar are not out of sight of the world. One of them is labor rights. Labour rights are continuously being violated here. Myanmar labor law is not protecting its labor laws which are to protect adequate worker rights.
Torture and ill-treatment
United Nations documented the sexual violation and increased threats by security forces against women and girls. All those who participated in the protests against the atrocities done by the security personnel were subjected to torture which also included sexual violene.
Myanmar military led government, after having executed four pro democracy activists, even as internations condemnations over the killings grew, has defended these atrocities. In the capital Zaw Min Tun told a news conference that this was justice for the people. These criminals were given the chance to defend themselves. International world has done nothing practical to stop these atrocities except giving lip service.