Biden Vows to Hit Back; US Personnel Dead Afghanistan Update


Afghanistan News: Biden Vows to Hit Back; US Personnel Dead Afghanistan Update. President Biden sent a strong message to those responsible for the terrible attack outside Kabul’s airport, which killed 13 US servicemen, while also promising that the evacuation of Afghanistan will continue. “Know this,” Biden said to the attackers. “We are not going to forgive. We are not going to forget.”

Biden had a moment of quiet to honor, calling them “heroes,” “the best the country can offer,” the American servants who have lost their lives.

“We have great regret for the lives of American people,” he said from the White House. 

Biden said the situation on to honored in Kabul continues to evolve and that the US will target the ISIS-K. This Islamic State affiliate is believed to have claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack,’ assets, leadership and infrastructure.

“We are at the place we pick at the time, and we shall reply with strength and accuracy at the time of our choice,” he said.

The retirement will continue despite the attack, the president said.

“Terrorists will not dissuade us. We’re not going to let them stop our mission.”

Afghanistan News: Biden told the army that he would give him additional US forces for the rest of the effort to remove Americans and Afghans from the country.

Explosions of death

Two blows killed 13 U.S. service members and dozens of Afghanistan civilians, one outside Hamid Karzai International Airport and a second outside the nearby Baron Hotel. More than 150 people were injured, 18 of the members of the United States service.

Gen Kenneth McKenzie said the attacks were perpetrated by two suicide bombings, followed by firearms at a press conference on Thursday.

The evacuation has taken 104,000, including almost 5,000 Americans out of Afghanistan, McKenzie added. He estimates that there are still around 1,000 Americans.

Aug. 31 — next Tuesday — is the scheduled withdrawal deadline of the administration.

The attack marks Afghan’s first death since February 2020, before the US and the Taliban entered into an accord in which the Taliban agreed not to assault US troops unless the United States withdrew its troops.

Outside the airport, the Taliban denounced the attack, stating that the US controlled the blast zone.

Collaboration with the Taliban

Afghanistan News: The Biden administration and the US military have been chastised for depending on the Taliban to maintain security outside the Kabul airport.

During his speech on Thursday, Biden added, “We’re just banking on their self-interest to continue to create their actions.” “It’s in their best interests for us to leave when we said we would and to get as many people out as possible.”

“No information has been given to me by our field commanders that the Taliban and ISIS worked together to carry out today’s events,” he added.

“I bear responsibility for, ultimately, all that’s happened of late,” Biden said when asked if he carries the blame for the developing events in Afghanistan.

“However, as you and I both know, the prior president signed a deal with the Taliban,” he immediately added.”

Biden referred to an agreement reached between former President Donald Trump and the Taliban in which the US would leave the nation in May in exchange for no attacks on US soldiers.

Reaction in Congress

Both major political parties have chastised Biden for how his administration withdrew the US military from Afghanistan.

However, Biden has defended his administration’s conduct on numerous occasions.

Two Republican senators, Josh Hawley of Missouri and Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, have called on Biden to resign after the tragic attack.

Afghanistan News: In a statement, Hawley said, “We must reject the deception propagated by a feckless president that this was the only alternative for withdrawal.” “This is the result of Joe Biden’s disastrous leadership failure.”

Hawley urged Biden to follow Trump’s withdrawal strategy in April.

“President Biden should remove troops from Afghanistan by May 1 as scheduled by the Trump administration, but better late than never,” he tweeted. “It’s past time for this never-ending battle to come to a stop.”

“It’s not a day for politics,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters in reaction to Hawley and Blackburn’s words. “Whether or not they are elected, we would expect any American to stand up to us and to our commitment to defeat and execute these terrorists..”

Senator Kevin Cramer of North Dakota, a Republican, said on Twitter that now is “not the time” to “exploit this moment to score political points.”

Senator Jim Inhofe, R-Oklahoma, the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released a statement blaming Biden for making a “strategic decision” that “lead to the sad events today.”

“Unfortunately, given the ongoing failure of civilian leadership in the United States, we are likely to see more terrorist attacks in the future — making it more important than ever for President Biden to exhaust all resources and use all avenues to quickly and safely evacuate those still on the ground until the job is done, even if it takes longer than August 31.,” the statement said.

Senator Jim Inhofe, R-Oklahoma, the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released a statement blaming Biden for making a “strategic decision” that “lead to the sad events today.”

“Regrettably, given the ongoing failure in the U.S., We are sure to witness more terrorist acts in the future, the statement said. “It is more important than ever for President Biden to exhaust all resources and use all available options avenues to quickly and safely evacuate those who are still on the ground until the job is done, even if it takes longer than August 31,” it added.

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