Brendan Hunt Is Still Surprised ‘Ted Lasso’ Is So Popular. Celebrities flocked to the show to gush about it. Which celebrity do you admire the most?
Barry Jenkins was a cool guy. He appeared out of nowhere on Twitter and stated something along the lines of, “I’m dubbing myself the leader of the ‘Ted Lasso’ fan club.” “Barry Jenkins?” I think to myself. Wow, that’s incredible!
What was the most surprising aspect of the show’s reception?

Brendan Hunt Is Still Surprised ‘Ted Lasso’ Is So Popular. How much of it do you have? That was unexpected. We assumed the show would be good since we had a good writing room and a good time putting it together. And it was like, “Oh, this line-up is very good,” when we finished it.
But this fundamental wave, and the fact that people don’t just joke about it, but that it means a lot to them – whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa None of this was meant to happen.
The sports culture is full of “Ted Lasso” references – Alex Morgan did a lasso dance on the field not long ago, and NBA coaches have mentioned it in interviews. Which of the following is your favorite example?
Alex Morgan’s dance, without a doubt it goes above and beyond. Someone emailed it to me, and I didn’t recognize it at first, but I thought to myself, “Oh my God!” [in a high-pitched voice]. But it’s also excellent for Utah Jazz trainer Quin Snyder because that wasn’t a pre-season news conference; it was before a playoff game. He took the time to talk about our little drawing even though it was a high-pressure situation. It’s fascinating to consider.
Were you surprised by how well professional players reacted to the show?
We went with [American goalkeeper] Tim Howard when we shot the second commercial for it. He just laughed at us when we asked if he’d seen the first commercial. “Yes, we saw it; we watched it a lot,” he replied. “What?” we wondered. We know we don’t do soccer correctly, after all. This program was written by a soccer fanatic who didn’t want to get intimate. When so many soccer players say they enjoy it even though we know we’re doing a lot of fundamental things incorrectly, it implies they’re linked to the spirit, which is far more essential and highly significant to watch.
The second season will premiere next week. Is Emmy’s booty putting her under pressure?
Let’s just cross our fingers and hope for the best because it is what it is right now. None of the accolades or prizes meant anything to us because, by the time the program aired, we had already begun planning season 2. We’ve just finished polishing the scripts. I don’t think it would have harmed us initially, but it didn’t have a chance to. All it did was give us an extra breath of comfort when we realized, “Okay, our instincts are correct; we’ll simply do what we’re doing.”
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