For Memorial Day, Biden Pays Tribute To Fallen Service Members In Delaware


President Biden paid a visit to the Delaware Memorial Bridge in New Castle on Memorial Day, where he spoke. In addition, the President usually attends the Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs’ annual memorial event.

Biden mentioned his son, Beau, who served in the Delaware Army National Guard, during his speech on Sunday. In October 2008, his unit was mobilized and dispatched to Iraq. Beau Biden died on the 30th of May six years ago of brain cancer.

President Biden was at War Memorial Plaza at the Delaware Memorial Bridge mentioned commemorating the price that the people of the United States of America had to pay for their liberty. He stated that they must remember the obligation owed to those who have already paid the price, as well as families who have been left behind. Grief has ripped his heart in half, he says.

After attending a memorial Mass for his son, Biden arrived at the gathering wearing a dark-colored tie underneath a black jacket and vest. Biden paid tribute to his son Beau, saying that if he were still alive, he would be here as well, paying his respects to all those who have given so much for our nation.

Biden honored the Delaware soldiers and military families in attendance for their contributions to the country’s freedom. He offered words of compassion to the families and thanked them for allowing him to grieve alongside them. Biden also discussed how important the yearly Delaware ceremony honoring fallen service members is to him and his family. During the outbreak last year, one of Biden’s first public appearances was on Memorial Day when he lay a wreath at War Memorial Plaza alongside Jill.

Memorial Day became a federal holiday in 1971, though its origins may trace back to the Civil War. Americans began a springtime tradition of honoring the dead by decorating gravestones with flowers and reciting prayers in the late 1860s, originally known as Decoration Day.

Biden resumed his speech by emphasizing the value of military people and his responsibility to care for all of them and their families when they return home and do not. He referred to the military as the “strong core of our country.” During his remarks, Biden stated that he carries a card with him every day that lists the number of American military men killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. He said that he began doing this when serving as Vice President under Barack Obama. It now reads 7,036. “It’s not an approximation,” Biden remarked. 

President Biden appealed for togetherness at the end of his statement on this day of memory and commemoration.

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