Mandy Moore, Chrissy Metz, and Caitlin Thompson of This Is Us spoke with Deadline at a Rose Bowl FYC event on Tuesday night about the This is Us finale (season 5) and what they know about the drama’s sixth and final season. Moore, who portrays matriarch Rebecca Pearson, and Metz, who portrays her daughter Kate, both acknowledged that the show’s primary cast is aware of the plot’s conclusion. “We’ve had a number of significant turning points in our lives. But, Moore stated, “We simply don’t know in what sequence it’ll come out or when it’ll necessarily come out.”
The actor is probably referring to his character’s fight with severe Alzheimer’s disease, leading to his death by the season’s finale. “I know that it will be handled with care and attention, grace and respect, in the same way, that I believe we have dealt with all of the difficult themes in the show,” she says of the narrative.
Last season, the Emmy nominee made fun of Jack (Milo Ventimiglia), with whom her spouse had more screen time. But, he said, “I imagine we’ll get flashbacks of instances that connect the past to the present in the Aunt, This Is Us way.” “That’s why to impress everyone’s heart; it’s still a very vital element of the family.”

Metz discussed Kate’s future and the potential of maintaining her passion for music. “I believe Kate is incredibly satisfied with her job right now, and I always think she has a calling in her,” Metz remarked. But, of course, we’ve noticed that Jack [Kate’s son] is bigger and more interested in big-time music.
Then there’s Thompson, who portrayed Kevin’s fiancée Madison in Season 5 and postponed their wedding. While Kevin’s character stated that he would not marry someone he did not feel loved him, Fogelman revealed on Tuesday that Kevin and Madison may have a future together. Thompson responded, “I believe it would be lovely if they could find love.”
“However, if that is not the case, I hope that everyone will discover this in their relationship.”
The trio wrapped off their discussion by reflecting on what the program meant to them and how they felt about the impending conclusion.
On his own terms, Thompson expressed his gratitude for Fogelman and his team’s “integrity.” The decision to stop the program was described by Metz as “very heartbreaking.”
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