Worst heat waves in the history of Europe

Climate change kills were the words of the Spanish prime minister. He spoke when two of his persons in Spain were killed due to the intense heat wave in Europe. A heat wave has broken all the records of high temperatures in Europe. Due to global warming, no one on this planet is safe. Global warming is affecting the whole world whether in the form of wildfires or floods due to heavy rain. An increase in temperature every year causes glaciers to melt quickly. Wildfire kills 6000 people in California dixie. It damaged its historic city,Dixie, which was once the gold rush for the state. Their intense fire was so blazing that firefighters looked hopeless to save their people. Moreover, heat waves are the topic of our discussion today. Here we will discuss the worst heat waves in the history of Europe.

Heatwave in Europe in 2003

It is said that the summer of 2003 in Europe was the hottest as compared to 1540. The heat wave killed almost 70 thousand people in Europe. The most affected people were from France. It is also estimated that the death toll reached 14000 in 2003 due to the worst heatwave in France. The air of Europe became stagnant and this increased the risk of toxins and other diseases. This event occurred on July 20, 2003. The highest temperature that was recorded was 40 degrees Celsius. More than 70 thousand deaths were estimated across the whole of Europe.

Heatwave in Europe in 2003

Heatwave in Russia in 2010

Russia experienced the worst heat wave of the century in 2010. The temperature was raised to 37 degrees celsius which is a rare case in Russia. The heat wave caused chaos in the country by igniting wildfires in Russia and by destroying crops. This caused heavy losses to the Russian economy. As their large part of the economy is based on agriculture. Scientists then predicted that Nordic countries are more at risk due to gradual changes in global temperature. It was suggested that the heat wave that hit Russia in 2010 was itself natural variability and was not due to human-caused climate change. This heat wave lasted from July to August 2010. The high temperature was noted as 37 degrees. This heat wave took the lives of 56 thousand people.

Heatwave in Russia in 2010

The heat wave in Greece in 1987

More than thousands of Greeks died from extreme heat waves in this part of Europe. The gravediggers had to put the dead body on the ice so that it might not be spoiled due the heat. The temperature was raised here up to 45 degrees. Which is much higher than normal. Lack of air conditioners in the hospitals became one of the main reasons for the high death tolls in Greece. Elderly people were most affected by these heat waves. A lot of innocent lives died due to heat waves before the temperature came back to normal. The duration of this heat wave was July to august 1987. Number of deaths was between 1300 to 1500

The heat wave in Greece in 1987