There was a time in space when the majority of the world was ruled by the UK(United Kingdom). They are remembered for the wrong reasons by the nations that they colonized. Different myths and truths are associated with them to show how tyrant they were. However, they also gave the world some new technologies like Railways. In this article, our purpose is not to analyze how it ruled over different nations. Rather it is to analyze its rulers. In this article, we will discuss the two most famous and widely regarded Prime Ministers .
1. Clement Atlee
When it comes to leaving lasting impacts on the face of the earth, few British politicians can match the benchmark set by Clement Attlee and his radical welfare reforms, which remain the most vital pillars of British society. Attlee, who died in 1967, was voted to be the most successful British PM of the last century. The survey took place in 2004. Atlee served as PM of the UK from 1945 to 1951. He assumed the leadership of a war-trodden country. He took all possible measures to strengthen it further. He took revolutionary measures in all fields. He brought in the Town and Country Planning Act of 1947 and instructed authorities to prepare developmental plans. The war-weary country, the UK, had faced a lot of damage to its residential and official buildings. He ordered them to repair the buildings as soon as possible.

Atlee also reformed trade union legislation. His foreign policy was focused truly on decolonization. Atlee was personally involved in the Partition of India. He also personally oversaw the independence of Burma and Ceylon. During the Cold War, he encouraged the US to take a rigorous role. He also asked them to counter communist interference in Europe. Atlee was one of the main supporters of the Marshall Plan. He wanted to rebuild Europe with US money. Great scholars regard him due to his role in building the modern welfare state. He also established the NHS. After securing a narrow win in the 1950s election he decided to support South Korea in the Korean War. He sent his troops to South Korea to support them. He retired after losing the elections in 1955. After that, he served in the House of Lords. His stay there came to an end with his death in 1967. Clement Atlee was the leader of the Labour Party for 20 years, from 1935 to 1955.
2. Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill was a British statesman. Before that, he was a soldier. He was also an accomplished writer with his work widely regarded throughout the world. He served as the Prime Minister of the UK from 1940 to 1945. This was without any doubt the most difficult time in the history of the UK. The country which had a reputation to be a colonizer was on the brink of losing its sovereignty. Sun never used to set on the British Empire but now the UK was in a struggle for its survival. He was ideologically considered to be an imperialist and economic liberal.

He represented two different parties, the Conservative and Liberal Party. He created a war ministry in 1940. His steadfastness was one of the reasons that Europe was able to defend itself against the Nazis. He stood in the House of Commons and gave a historic speech. The line which stood out was “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat”. He defeated Atlee in 1951 and became the Prime Minister again. He died in 1965 and was honored with a State Funeral. He cemented his reputation not only as a leader of the UK but also as an example of how a leader has to be steadfast during testing times.